Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The weather has cleared a bit, thankfully, as I don't think I could have taken much more rain. With one mustang moving out this weekend, my boys are now able to share a stall and get out of the mud and onto the pea gravel in the paddocks. Such a relief not to be swamped with mudnure in there this year!

I had a few folks ask me about Darling's sponsorship. This is something that just rather fell out of nowhere for us. The folks at Equiscience had been kind enough to donate a bag of grain to each of the yearlings at YAY, and when I returned home I called in with a report and to thank Ty for helping out. Turns out that while we'd been at the show, he'd been doing some research and said he wanted to help Mustang U with their work, and that Elenbaas, the manufacturer, was willing to sponsor Darling and I with grain (and spiffy new coats) along with providing grain and a percentage of the sales from their Equibalance grain. Now just how cool is that? So I'd encourage anyone in the northwest to go in search of Equibalance in their feed stores. Nutritionally speaking, it's on par with LMF. Good stuff!


The light was beginning to disappear yesterday when I asked Darling to help me out with my 'blur' assignment. I'm not sure that it's quite what I'd hoped, but it'll do. Perhaps if Rocket had been a little closer, or Sandy and Darling a bit further behind? What do you think?

Doesn't Sandy look like a chunk in the photo below? He's not. He's just hairy!



Pony Girl said...

Beautiful pictures, that last one is so great. Love the late afternoon light.
Great news on the sponsorship! I wonder if Equibalance is less expensive than LMF? Worth checking into....

Paint Girl said...

The pictures are great! I am not used to seeing Darling riding western! Sandy looks really good!

Tracey said...

Thank you, ladies. Yeah...kinda funny to see Darling in a western saddle, isn't it?

Pony Girl, I'd venture to guess it's comparable...but I never really needed to grain until I got Steve Holt!, so it's all new to me. The others only need a bit to keep them happy. I suspect Tika may be a grain girl, though...she's got a different body type that seems a bit lacking for weight along the topline.

Shirley said...

Love the new look of your blog. Looks like you are doing well on the photo challenge, and terrific news about the sponsorship.