The snow was falling pretty good here today. The horses all have icicles ...er, whiskercicles... hanging off their muzzles, forelocks, manes and tails. Steve Holt! even has them hanging on his blanket! I never did go out and measure how deep it got, but it's there and it's white...and the only good thing about it is that the temps have gone from low 20's to low 30's. Steve Holt! seems to enjoy eating it. In fact, all my horses prefer to 'rough it' and chomp on ice rather than go drink water. Crazy mustangs.
Steve Holt!'s day was much the same as yesterday, without the saddle. We led to the round pen and he followed straight in. He likes the blue drum and wants to push it around a bit. He trotted a couple of easy circles, pushed his muzzle around in the snow and then stood and looked at me, wondering what was next. Because the ground is slick, I don't want to work him on fast circles and stops, so instead I led him out into the field where the geldings were hanging out.
Both Dude and Sandy stepped up to say hello at one point while we were out. Steve Holt! responded only with a polite 'How Do' and stuck with me as we wandered over to the community salt lick, then the big water tub. After he investigated those two items I led him to the trail bridge where he proceeded to lick the snow up, then tried to take a bite of what he most likely assumed was ice. He was disappointed. I asked him to step up and he didn't take long to show off, climbing up with all four feet and stopping, making sure I noticed just how good he was. After climbing down he began to circle at the end of the rope. Self lunging. Gotta love it. He even self lunged over the bridge. Crazy mustang.
Darling hauled Sandy out to play again today. I snapped a quick pic with her camera, and she came in and played on photoshop a bit with it. I asked her to send it to me, but didn't realize she's resized it so small. Bummer. Well, there they are, just the same.
Steve Holt!'s day was much the same as yesterday, without the saddle. We led to the round pen and he followed straight in. He likes the blue drum and wants to push it around a bit. He trotted a couple of easy circles, pushed his muzzle around in the snow and then stood and looked at me, wondering what was next. Because the ground is slick, I don't want to work him on fast circles and stops, so instead I led him out into the field where the geldings were hanging out.
Both Dude and Sandy stepped up to say hello at one point while we were out. Steve Holt! responded only with a polite 'How Do' and stuck with me as we wandered over to the community salt lick, then the big water tub. After he investigated those two items I led him to the trail bridge where he proceeded to lick the snow up, then tried to take a bite of what he most likely assumed was ice. He was disappointed. I asked him to step up and he didn't take long to show off, climbing up with all four feet and stopping, making sure I noticed just how good he was. After climbing down he began to circle at the end of the rope. Self lunging. Gotta love it. He even self lunged over the bridge. Crazy mustang.
Darling hauled Sandy out to play again today. I snapped a quick pic with her camera, and she came in and played on photoshop a bit with it. I asked her to send it to me, but didn't realize she's resized it so small. Bummer. Well, there they are, just the same.

I love the pic of SH!'s nose at the top! Sounds like SH! isn't letting the weather slow him down much :)
Those are cute whiskercicles! My sister's dog had huge balls of snow hanging from her leg hairs today. I will have to post a picture!
I wish I had photoshop~looks like fun!
Sound all fun. You should have measured. We have 17 " on our deck. Am glad Katie is riding and doing well with Sandy.
The picture of your daughter and Sandy would make a great Christmas card. Steve Holt! is turning out to be a good minded boy, isn't he?
That is such a great pic, well both of them really!
I am totally going to use that word "Whiskerciles" it fits perfectly lol.
HA HA! Perfect photo of the whiskercicles! In spite of the weather you all are having a good time! Yay!
Holiday hugs to you all!
Karen C.
That's so funny about the whiskercicles! They should add that word to the dictionary.
Yes, Beautiful is eating snow, too--none of my domestics are.
Cute pics Tracey! We had -16 yesterday morning and the horses were covered in frost from ears to tails...even the horses in the barn! Wish I'd have gotten a pic, but it was all I could do to just get them all fed.
Oh, yeah...Whiskercicles ought to at least by in the horsey dictionary! All the horses have them, and not just their whiskers. They've got iciclocks and eyecicles, too! Steve Holt! has icicles hanging from his blanket, even...but he appears to be dry on the inside at least!
i just enjoyed some nice newsboys on your playlist - thanks, i don't have a christian music station here in germany.
You're quite welcome, Lytha! Good to know someone actually scrolls to the bottom and takes advantage of the music. And thank you for stopping in to the Diaries. Hope to see more of you :)
I totally love the snow pics and whispercicles...I think I'm in love with Steve Holt! Which has to be the most unusual name for a horse I've heard...but I think he's gonna be a keeper!
And your daughter is awesome on Sandy! Good job ladies!
Glad you're managing to have FUN in the, gasp, dreaded by you, four letter word, S N O W, heheheheeh....
Yah know the mustangs seem to love bridges don't they? Mustang Poncho ADORED going up and over the bridge... Couldn't touch his hind legs safely but could walk him over a bridge, lunge him over one and for awhile, even ride him over one,lol.... Crazy Stangs love the funnies things.
OH and YES Tracey, I STILL love the snow, even though I had to shovel a LOT of it out of the barn last night, lolol...
What I object too is the WIND, sigh.
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