And I apologize if this has created a drain on your dial up computers.
A couple of folks suggested I start getting my name/copyright/watermark on the photos before posting them online, and they're right, I should. I've managed to change a couple, as you can see, but am too tired to mess with the rest right now. So...don't steal them. There, that should do it, don't you think?
Steve Holt! is settling in. Not so nervous as Sandy, but unsure just the same. The other horses hung out and let me reach through the rails to pet them as Steve Holt! watched with mild curiosity. Although he doesn't want to get too close while I'm in the corral, when I open the window to toss in hay, he's not so terribly shy and comes straight in to eat. This I take as a good sign, and hope things come together quickly for him.
Steve Holt! is settling in. Not so nervous as Sandy, but unsure just the same. The other horses hung out and let me reach through the rails to pet them as Steve Holt! watched with mild curiosity. Although he doesn't want to get too close while I'm in the corral, when I open the window to toss in hay, he's not so terribly shy and comes straight in to eat. This I take as a good sign, and hope things come together quickly for him.
I love the bottom two photos! I will definitely have to go back at some point and make it to the Steens!
On a side note, he ate some hay out of my hand this morning :)
Awww Tracey I'm so sorry that I didn't get to meet you while you were here! I made the wrong choice of days and really should have been up at the Outpost on Friday night. We were at the Corrals on Sat morn but of course you'd left at the crack of dawn for your long drive home.
Steve Holt! is really nice looking'. I'm sure you'll do great with him. Looking forward to following along on your training.
Your pics from the Steens are beautiful. What a fun day!
Happy Trails girl~~
Kristi, that's terrific! I think he's going to end up a very nice boy.
Karen, I was bummed that we weren't able to visit, but next year! We're planning an all women's ride up in the Steens, so get yer stang ready!
Those are really nice photos, Tracey!! Great idea to watermark.
HA! Never fear, no dial-up for me, BABY! =D Well not internet for me at all at the moment really. I do usually have dial-up, but as my blog says my modem has died so now I'm at the public library using their internet.
-Too scared to go into my ebay account
-Strangers reading over my shoulder!
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