Gonna find out who's naughty or nice...
Thing 1 was playing nice, although Steve was not too enthused!
Thing 1 was playing nice, although Steve was not too enthused!
My sister came over this morning with Thing 1, Thing 2, and Miss Banana Head in tow. The Things had a blast playing with the kittens...who at a glance (or even a long study) do not appear to be kittens at all, but big fat cats. Bob and Steve were born earlier this year and were but 5 weeks old when we left for Sacramento in June. They now weigh as much as the Things, I swear! You should have seen the girls trying to pick up poor Steve. He's such a good kitty, though, and tolerated their lifting and dumping and lifting again. If I hadn't been laughing so hard I'd have gone in search of Darling's camera to get a video, but alas, all I ended up with were blurryphotos...blurry because my middle was shaking like a bowl full of jelly...
City Boy found a set of stud tires listed last night on Craigslist, and I met the seller at a grocery store (well lit) to buy them. Today Les Schwaab tire mounted them onto my truck, and they were so good as to even do it for half price!
Darling and I picked up a few necessities for the road; bottled water, allergy meds, cough drops (just in case), potato chips...and Kristi's been given strict orders to grab a box of Krispy Kreme's before she's allowed into the truck on Wednesday morning!
This morning Darling asked for a "Get out of Jail Free Card", which is to say, a note to get out of class. She then forgot to bring it with her, so I ran it out just before lunch. When she came home she asked where the note was...seems it never reached her. Thankfully she's got another day of classes during which she can notify teachers and gather homework (like it'll get done.)
I got an order straightened out at Cafe Press, phoned Timberline Saddles about a sponsorship, and made arrangements to paint a window when I return. Tomorrow the round pen panels need to go up, the bags need to be loaded into the truck, and I'm sure there's something else, but I'll have to refer to my list.
I am now off to slumberland.
City Boy found a set of stud tires listed last night on Craigslist, and I met the seller at a grocery store (well lit) to buy them. Today Les Schwaab tire mounted them onto my truck, and they were so good as to even do it for half price!
Darling and I picked up a few necessities for the road; bottled water, allergy meds, cough drops (just in case), potato chips...and Kristi's been given strict orders to grab a box of Krispy Kreme's before she's allowed into the truck on Wednesday morning!
This morning Darling asked for a "Get out of Jail Free Card", which is to say, a note to get out of class. She then forgot to bring it with her, so I ran it out just before lunch. When she came home she asked where the note was...seems it never reached her. Thankfully she's got another day of classes during which she can notify teachers and gather homework (like it'll get done.)
I got an order straightened out at Cafe Press, phoned Timberline Saddles about a sponsorship, and made arrangements to paint a window when I return. Tomorrow the round pen panels need to go up, the bags need to be loaded into the truck, and I'm sure there's something else, but I'll have to refer to my list.
I am now off to slumberland.
I'm not sure if this makes me naughty or nice but there are flowers for you over at my blog....
oooh! I can't wait to see the new mustang you are bringing home and watch your next adventure unfold!
Hmmm...are there spiders hiding in them? No? Then I shan't complain, and thank you! They're lovely.
Katee, just imagine...I'll be down there getting photos and posting on Thursday. Y'all will be seeing the horses before their trainers will be seeing them!
Less than 24 hours to go before we head out! And not to worry, I WILL have the Krispy Kreme donuts! Whether or not my head will still be attached by that point is a whole other story.
Reminder to both: don't forget to charge phone, camera, laptop, and to bring said chargers with!
I wish I could go with you! What fun! Can't wait to follow along on this new wild ride of yours.
Good luck with all of your arrangements for the trip! I can't wait to see what's ahead.
Travel safe!!
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