Earlier this year when I picked up Sandy, I'd already picked out his name. I didn't know if I was getting a mare or gelding, but figured Sandy would work either way . I'd heard the song, God Must Be Busy by Brooks and Dunn, and just knew it was 'my' song and felt compelled to use the phrase Speck of Sand (hence Sandy.)
This time around I've had nothing really jump out and speak to me. I really liked a couple of songs on the play list (if you scroll to the bottom of my page, you'll find it), and considered using Something Beautiful or perhaps Party Girl.
But what if I ended up with a gelding? No clue.
Now, if you're an Arrested Development fan, and you're familiar with the Bluth family you'll recognize this name. If you're not? Well...not sure I can explain it, just that it's something that my kids shout when something is totally awesome...or at least awesome to them. So when Darling shouted "Steve Holt!" alongside the corrals this morning, I laughed and jokingly said that's what I'd name the horse if it were a gelding...
You need not be a genius to figure out what I ended up with.

You need not be a genius to figure out what I ended up with.

I'm still not sure how old Steve Holt! is. I'm expecting that's he's a coming four year old based on his size. What is his size? 15.2! He's a tall, good looking gelding who appears to have a decent head on him. And by that I don't mean pretty (although it's not bad), but he seems to be a thinker.
I'm a little in awe, to be honest. Tall, dark and handsome is this boy, with long black stockings and a kind eye.
We spent most of our day at the corrals. No, to be honest, we spent the entire day there. Kristi is struggling to find the perfect horse. It's not easy when the corrals are several acres each, holding 50 or more horses each, with over 400 horses in all. They rush in circles or to the back where we have a difficult time seeing them, but I believe she's got it narrowed down to something like...oh...20 or 30. But of course, she's likely to spot something else in her photos tonight and add another dozen or so :) Poor Kristi....she was concerned that there wouldn't be enough horses for her to choose from, but I think there are too many!
Tomorrow we'll head back to the corrals in the morning, then a bit later we'll swing up to the mountains in search of wild horses. Cross you fingers that we find some!
I'm a little in awe, to be honest. Tall, dark and handsome is this boy, with long black stockings and a kind eye.
We spent most of our day at the corrals. No, to be honest, we spent the entire day there. Kristi is struggling to find the perfect horse. It's not easy when the corrals are several acres each, holding 50 or more horses each, with over 400 horses in all. They rush in circles or to the back where we have a difficult time seeing them, but I believe she's got it narrowed down to something like...oh...20 or 30. But of course, she's likely to spot something else in her photos tonight and add another dozen or so :) Poor Kristi....she was concerned that there wouldn't be enough horses for her to choose from, but I think there are too many!
Tomorrow we'll head back to the corrals in the morning, then a bit later we'll swing up to the mountains in search of wild horses. Cross you fingers that we find some!
Oh my, Yes Steve Holt!... I miss Arrested Development and the Bluth's, lol...
This boy looks very well put together Tracy, I like his shoulder and he's got a nice amount of body to him with out being over done.
What herd is he from? Glad to hear you got there A-OK and sounds like you're having fun.
There's a bay mare (or two or three, lots of bays) and maybe a black one, and a dun stallion that is pretty cute. Found a chestnut that looks kinda leggy when I was looking through the pics for the umpteenth time. Argh!
Just remember, one for you and one for her! That's it. right??
Ooohhh Tracey- that is one F-I-N-E looking boy that is coming home with you. Nice stride on him, nice bod. Cant wait to learn more about him!
Good luck out there picking one for Kristi!! I dont know how you all can pick just ONE......
Oh- wait- you cant! hehe... that is why you keep going back! ;)
Since I've had horses and a family, I really don't take much time to watch tv...so I don't get it, Oh well:) However, Steve Holt (your Steve Holt) is quite a looker! I really like his balance, yes his head is a bit, ...umm... substantial (lol) but it suits him, besides...you can't ride his head and, all the better to tote around all his gorgeous locks! I REALLY like him!!!
Oh, I can't wait to hear more.
Kristi...good luck, I don't evny your having to pick just one! I know it would be beyond difficult!
Safe travels!!
He's handsome! I don't see the big head thing, but then mine all have big heads so I'm used to it. :)
Good luck finding horses to "shoot" out in the wild! I can't wait to see your pictures of that.
And good luck to Kristi on finding the right one. Boy that's gotta be a hard choice to make.
Congrats on your new boy. He's a tall Mustang--a handsome boy. It'll be fun to see all of your pictures!
ohmygoshiaminlove! He's so handsome! I don't usually like bays, but he's such a good looking boy. And tall, too? Wow. I'm excited to see how things progress.
My mustang, Carl, is named after the Carl in Caddyshack, so I get the appeal of Steve Holt as a name.
Woo Tracey, here we go again.... LOL He's a good looking lad, his head doesn't look too big to me, his body is perfect and he has that tall dark and handsome thing going for him so how can you not fall for him?
What's City Boy up to with that one each comment? Hasn't he figured this out by now?
Hmm How do I sign this anon? ROFL
I don't see a big head. He looks awfully good to me. Alot like our Liberty. Hope you dinner went well this evening.
Good choice! Stop by my blog and pick up an award....
Tracey, I am partial to brown horses with black points...and I think Steven Holt! is gorgeous! I could see the head thing in one of the pictures, but that was after looking for it. I think he is a beautiful big boy!
Have fun with him! I can't wait to follow your progress!
Karen and Tripp
City Boy has such a good sense of humor! ;)
Congrats on Steve Holt! I don't watch the show so I didn't get the name, but I think it's clever! He's a beaut and so TALL!
I found it! Now I know why you named him that...
Never mind the last comment. I understand now. See why I don't comment? lol
LOL, Deanna...and this is why I ought to read all the comments rather than just one before responding on other people's blogs :)
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