It's still dark out there...no sign of morning in the least. The truck is nearly packed, just a few more things to toss in there. It's 4:15, so I'll be firing up the old engine shortly and encouraging a sleepy 14 year old to climb out of her warm, comfy bed.
A quick peek at the weather shows both Snoqualmie and Government Camp passes to be in the low to mid 40's, so roads will be good. I haven't decided which route we'll take. Mapquest tells me they both take roughly 9 1/2 hours. Of course, Mapquest doesn't take into consideration stops for diesel, potty breaks or Seattle traffic...
I anticipate we'll arrive in Burns around 4:30 this afternoon. Meet you there!
Safe travels, Tracey!
Yahoo-GO COWGIRL! I think I'm just as excited as you are! This is going to be fun.
May the weather be friendly and your trip safe, fun and may you come home with the best 'Stang' in the lo
Drive careful dear friend. Am sure you will get the best in the pens. Call me if you get a chance.
We're here...long drive and I'm tired. The drive was good, no rain and the forecast looks good for the next few days. I'm off to bed...will have photos and stories tomorrow night :)
Yes, it was quite the long day, even if I was just a passenger. I am so excited to be going to the corrals tomorrow! Although you probably wouldn't guess it by looking at me, just sorta quietly sitting on a bed in the motel room messing around on my laptop lol.
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