Saturday, December 19, 2009



Today was filled up with paperwork. Lots and lots of paperwork. We had a Mustang U board meeting and are attempting to get our federal non-profit status in place. Filing fees go up as of January first, and that would be money better spent on feeding horses, so we're pushing to get it done. Have you ever filed this sort of paperwork? You gotta love the IRS. They like to use terms such as 'the consequences of your actions' as opposed to 'we're sending your lily white hiney to jail if you screw this up'. Really puts your mind at ease.

Sandy & Steve Holt! have gotten back into shape enough for Darling and I to head back to our riding lessons this next week. Steve Holt! began going over fences last night; first time in nearly 2 months. He's lost a bit of muscle tone in the hind quarters after his extended vacation through the month of November, so Darling is being careful not to over do it with him.

I had fun the other day going back through the Diaries and checking to see where Steve Holt! was in his training at this stage of the game compared to Tika. Kind of difficult since I'm not sure just how much time I'd put into Miss Sassy Lips earlier this fall, but we've only got 2 cumulative weeks, so we're not too far off the three week mark as best as I can tell. And with that to go on, I'm extremely pleased with the lip wagger.

I took quite a bit of video footage yesterday, and could easily have created a 10 minute video for you to watch...after editing. But Darling, the video expert, said you'd fall asleep trying to watch anything I created that lasted over three minutes. And since I don't want you bonking your little noggins when you hit the floor snoring, I cut it down to just under three. It's nothing more than the saddling portion of our workout, but note that Lippy stands pretty well with relative little back talk. She is heads and tails above Steve Holt! at this point of the saddling game, and 150% better than both the boys in accepting the bit. I'm very happy with this girl!

Special thanks to Teresa Farris for allowing me to use her music in my videos! Check out her album in the side bar.


Shirley said...

Well, look at how nice and quiet she was for that! enjoyed the music too. That lip just slays me- she seems to do it when you try to pull her forward with the lead rope; in this video and in the trailering video; it'd just hilarious!

Miss Penelope. said...

What a gem of a horse! It's not like she's been in for very long and look at her!! When do you think you'll start riding her? I was considering adopting a brumby (I'm an Aussie) a couple of years ago... I might still do so, especially seeing how gentle this mare is now!

Tracey said...

Isn't that lip the craziest thing? She makes me laugh each time I watch the videos. I think I'll have to make one with nothing but her lips.

Miss P, I've had a handful (all this year) who've been a great deal more difficult, but most of them have been real gems to work with. It all comes down to trust, and providing them with a leader worthy of following. No need to be pushy in a bully fashion, just know what you expect and ask for it like it needs to be done. No different than children (except you can spank a horse without getting into least for now!)

cdncowgirl said...

Do you think the fact that she's a bit older and more mentally mature plays a part in her behaviour??

Keechy said...

I love this mare. She is so brave and intelligent and you can see how hard she is trying to do right for you. If I didn't live in Oz I'd be angling to wrestle her off you. :)

Tracey said...

Cdn, there could be something to that. In fact, a lot to that. I do know that after working with both her and Liberty, I'm wanting to try a handful more that are considered 'old'!

Keechy, you may want to give one of your brumbies a try! Or...we could ship? :)

PaintCrazy said...

Loved how her ears so slowly rotated forward at the end when you walked away with the halter!! She starts with lip and then goes to the ears - precious.

What's the bump just above her left leg and below her shoulder?

phaedra96 said...

She is so pretty. I just love her face and her mane. She seems like she has alot of personality and that is just wanting to please.

Tracey said...

Paint Girl, I'll need to do a post on Wadatika's Waddle... Yup, a waddle, just like a turkey waddle!

Phaedra, thank you. Yes, I've been told she's too pretty to be a mustang when people see that face!

jane augenstein said...

Tracey, very pretty the lip thing she does and the ears! The ears don't miss anything; good girl to stand so well for you. Gilly needs more work on his standing untied for saddling.

Pony Girl said...

Great song for this video! Looks like she is doing so well. I love watching the ears and lips, she is just thinking the whole time, but stands so still. I was wondering about the bump too, is that what you are referring to as the waddle?