Back in Spokane my daughter and I actually named the red dun gelding that we'd taken a fancy to. We'd seen an antique shop along the way on highway 2 called More Better Antiques. My son has been dubbed the Grammar Nazi, and we knew he'd go nuts over that name! But when we saw the red dun gelding, we thought he was also 'more better' than the other geldings in the pen. And so, at least to us, he became More Better for the remainder of the weekend.
A couple weeks later, while sitting in my hotel room during the Monroe adoption, I decided to put together a mustang forum online where folks could gather and chat about their horses and experiences. I posted on a couple of online classified sites both in Monroe and Spokane...and who should show up? More Better's owner! By the description I'd given of myself on the forum, she knew she'd beaten Darling and I out of that red dun horse...and she isn't a bit sorry, lol!
His name is now Tonka, which means friend. He's still tall and red and beautiful...and still not ours, but that's okay because Andrea is taking good care of him (and to be honest, God put the right horse in our hands here with Quiet Storm.) But if you'd like to read more about Andrea's adventures with Tonka, you can visit her blog at http://www.mustangsaga.blogspot.com/
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