I live in a valley, but I do not see sunsets. To the east is a large hill which, in the winter, delays the sun in it's morning appearance until 10 am. And by 3:00 in the afternoon it has slipped again from view, this time behind the treetops to the southwest of the house. Sunrise, sunset...sunrise, sunset...we never see either here. Not in a glorious blaze of color, that is.
I imagine, however, if I were to live on a road called Sunset Valley Lane, that things would be different...wouldn't you? I mean, would you name something Sunset Valley, if you couldn't see a sunset? Which is why, despite City Boy finding a near beating heart at the top of the ridge, nestled up against a bottle of beer, which in turn was leaning against a makeshift cross made of old, tattered silk flowers, I believe I just may want to live here.
Plus, it would shave 11.5 hours off my driving time to see the wild horses. Not that this is a motivating factor...

The home sits at the top of a knoll, surrounded by trees of all shapes, sizes and colors.

A most adorable little cabin sits alongside an old cattle chute. Perfect for the occasional overnight guest, don't you think?

The property includes 440 acres...its' long and, well, narrow by Harney County standards. It stretches roughly a half mile out behind the home. Be still, my heart...be still...

The silo has been converted into...guess what? A tack room! Perfect. Blissfully so.

Corrals and chutes are made of board and what I am assuming is juniper log (very prevalent in this region.)
I imagine, however, if I were to live on a road called Sunset Valley Lane, that things would be different...wouldn't you? I mean, would you name something Sunset Valley, if you couldn't see a sunset? Which is why, despite City Boy finding a near beating heart at the top of the ridge, nestled up against a bottle of beer, which in turn was leaning against a makeshift cross made of old, tattered silk flowers, I believe I just may want to live here.
Plus, it would shave 11.5 hours off my driving time to see the wild horses. Not that this is a motivating factor...

The home sits at the top of a knoll, surrounded by trees of all shapes, sizes and colors.

A most adorable little cabin sits alongside an old cattle chute. Perfect for the occasional overnight guest, don't you think?

The property includes 440 acres...its' long and, well, narrow by Harney County standards. It stretches roughly a half mile out behind the home. Be still, my heart...be still...

The silo has been converted into...guess what? A tack room! Perfect. Blissfully so.

Corrals and chutes are made of board and what I am assuming is juniper log (very prevalent in this region.)
No, I never did see a sunset while I was there...but to be fair, it was 4 in the afternoon. And there was sun... Sure, the current weather conditions for the region are a whopping -8 this morning, and that is without the windchill...but don't you think it's a fair trade off for land stretching a half mile...and sunsets?
That place is so very, very gorgeous. Wow. We have NOTHING like that out here. And I love the silo tack room idea. We have two empty silos outside....
it's fun to dream, just today i found my affordable dream home if i were looking near my hometown (seattle). only 2 acres, but right up against the cascades, the last town before the pass.
we also have no sunset or sunrise, because we live in a valley. i'm so jealous when i see the homes on the crest of the hill pink-colored in evening, i know what they can see that i cannot.
but there is one good thing about living in this valley. we have no high wind issues, the wind jumps over us. also, we have a creek and ponds, what our hill neighbors wish they had: )
Dom, isn't the silo tack clever?
Lytha, so true! We've got the creek here, and trust me, at 10 degrees, the wind would have not been fun. But oh...for a sunset...
"Which is why, despite City Boy finding a near beating heart at the top of the ridge, nestled up against a bottle of beer, which in turn was leaning against a makeshift cross made of old, tattered silk flowers"...
I didn't get much sleep last night so my brain is running a little slow tonight... I'm confused. What did City Boy find?
That place is absolutely beautiful. Whereabouts is it located?
Becky, SE Oregon, smack dab in the middle of wild horses.
And the beating heart...well...a story in and of itself. Up on the ridge above Sunset Valley we found a lot of bones...rib cages of animals we thought to be cattle or deer. Odd thing...there had been similar bones on our first trip to Burns a few years back.
But this time we also found pelts! Who would skin an animal and leave the pelts behind? And then? Then City Boy saw the heart...not completely dry, even, lying there next to the beer at the base of the silk flower cross...
Can we say creepy? I think we can...
That place looks awesome, i love the tack room silo. Sounds like a great place or it did till you found the bones and pelts and heart, ewww that is creepy.
Agree with Crystal on this, Tracey! Who wouldn't LOVE this place ... but that stuff on the hill ... very sick! Where there is that kind of sickness, there is a sociopath ... guaranteed! Be careful. <3
I must admit, the ridge deal was creepy. But we did some asking around and the current corral manager believes the heart and beer were left for an old hunting buddy...seems this isn't something too terribly uncommon. Beats me, but sounds plausible enough.
Oh, the number of horses I could have on such a piece of property. Be still my heart! LOL
Happy Thanksgiving, Tracey, to you and yours!
Tracey, my friend. Not to add to the already terrible weather down there, but... You need to have the water checked very, very well. The water down there is terrible. You will have to have an expensive and state-of-the-art water system in place. The wind blows with extreme force against Wright's Point and more than in most inhabitable area's of Harney County. The county does do a good job of plowing Wright's Point though. Sometimes better than in town. I was warned against the area, because of shady neighbors. I have a friend who lived about a mile from sunset valley rd. Her barn and chicken coop blew down this past spring. She doesn't have any tree's around her place, so that may have contributed. I was also warned about flooding in that area. I laugh anytime anyone mentions flooding in the desert, but I live next to the river now. Ha, Ha... okay river used strongly here, but would be concidered a stream almost anywhere else in Oregon. The price may be right, but it may hold more skeletons than those creapy ones on the ground.
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