Firecracker is learning that all good things come from me. Well, at least food. She perks up her ears and waits for me to walk into her paddock with an armload of hay each morning. The other horses are nickering, but she stays silent. She's not looking forward to it that much...not yet.
The past couple of days she's allowed me into her space and even reached out with her nose to sniff my face and blow warm air out her nostrils, fogging up my glasses in our cool November air. I have to bend down a bit before she feels comfortable, and usually its in 'her' corner, where she stands alongside the fence with Quiet Storm acting as her moral support system on the other side. Whatever it takes, right?
I may go out and get a pvc pipe such as Nikki suggested. The rope doesn't bother her coming either from the left or the right. Although she's definitely more left sided than right, it's nothing like Sunny and I can still get over on that side and she's learning to give a lot more readily than she was a week ago.
She's also letting me approach into her space to pick up the end of the lead rope a lot more willingly (as in, I can get within 4 feet of her before she becomes nervous), and when it's in my hand she immediately turns towards me, ready to take a step or two forward. I think I'm going to rearrange my panels, though, when I get in to work with her from now on. She's needing something a bit more round in shape to keep her from getting stuck in corners.
Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
The past couple of days she's allowed me into her space and even reached out with her nose to sniff my face and blow warm air out her nostrils, fogging up my glasses in our cool November air. I have to bend down a bit before she feels comfortable, and usually its in 'her' corner, where she stands alongside the fence with Quiet Storm acting as her moral support system on the other side. Whatever it takes, right?
I may go out and get a pvc pipe such as Nikki suggested. The rope doesn't bother her coming either from the left or the right. Although she's definitely more left sided than right, it's nothing like Sunny and I can still get over on that side and she's learning to give a lot more readily than she was a week ago.
She's also letting me approach into her space to pick up the end of the lead rope a lot more willingly (as in, I can get within 4 feet of her before she becomes nervous), and when it's in my hand she immediately turns towards me, ready to take a step or two forward. I think I'm going to rearrange my panels, though, when I get in to work with her from now on. She's needing something a bit more round in shape to keep her from getting stuck in corners.
Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
That boy is a smart one! Looking forward to hearing about his progress.
Congrats on your new horse, she's a beauty! I look forward to hearing about your adventures with her.
Wow, she is coming along all ready. That is pretty darn cool!!
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