Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sacramento Extreme Mustang Makeover

The Western States Horse Expo is wrapping up today. Just a few headlines and blips. Wishing I was there!

"In the beginning she was completely wild, couldn't touch her," said horse trainer Randall Davis.

Davis said the mustang can out-perform his domestic horses and he said there is separation anxiety as Marley prepares to go to auction.


Photos...before the trainers picked up their horses.


Steve Bauhr’s Story - by Steve Bauhr, Trainer

Last year, when we attended the Western States Horse Expo, we watched the Mustang Makeover. During the final competition on Saturday night, we just sat there, mouths wide open, watching the final ten trainers perform the free-style program. The work done on these horses was unbelievable. Some performed reining patterns, one ran a cow down the wall, and another was ridden without a bridle. After watching last year’s competition we know what we’re up against...


Wish I could find more information. If anyone else has links or knows how the event went down, please leave a detailed comment!

And with that, a little tribute to the mustangs are riders from the Albany Expo (with the exception of one gray jumper...what's that all about, Darling?)


Melanie said...

You know, I am still mad at myself for not going to the Expo this past year. My sister and I usually make our annual trek down, but it just didn't happen this time around. Bummer, huh? LOL!!!

About that gelding....thanks for the info. I was just curious as to how much work he needed, as I do not have the time to devote to training while I am in school. I was kind of hoping that he was already well on his way....
Oh well, such is life, right?

Also, if he is quite the handful, then he would not be the horse for me. I have been there and done that too many times in the past 25!!! (25 years?? That makes me sound really old, doesn't it???)

Tracey said...

Sometimes those who are challenging to begin with when it comes to gentling become the nicest horses, though. One can never tell when you're dealing with wild.

Melanie said...

Darn it, Tracey!!! You are supposed to agree with me and tell me how difficult, time consuming and dangerous it is, not tell me that the tough ones sometimes make the best!!!!

Honestly though, if I had my own place and was not in school full time, adopting a Mustang is something that I would consider, especially that gelding. He just has that "look," you know?

Maybe in another two years.....

Tracey said...

Uhhhh....what part of "Enabler" do you not understand??? ROFL...