Muck, muck, muck. It's everywhere! Sheets upon sheets of rain coming down. Virtual waterfalls from the heavens. And my horses stuck out under a tree.
The neighbor finally made it down. The muck was scraped up. Fence posts were snapped in half. New gates were put up. Gravel was moved. More gravel delivered...and another trip over today for the neighbor and his tractor.
Tractor? This thing is HUGE! Heavy equipment, not just your run of the mill tractor. But let me tell you, that muck was scooped up in record time. Trouble was, my gates were too narrow and the paddock barely large enough to contain it. As he tried turning around, he bumped the new post in my barn addition! Easily could have snapped it in half if it hadn't been for City Boy hollering for him to stop. We had no idea his tractor was so big. We thought in terms of little farm tractors...silly us!

I think I have tractor envy!
Thanks for the feedback on the rescue. Yes, MiKaela, a website is certainly among the list things needed. I registered a name the other day and have been working on putting a few pages together. Y'all wanna see it? Remember, very baby stage at the moment. Lots of blank pages, but hopefully it gives you an idea. Please let me know what you think...and be honest!
The neighbor finally made it down. The muck was scraped up. Fence posts were snapped in half. New gates were put up. Gravel was moved. More gravel delivered...and another trip over today for the neighbor and his tractor.
Tractor? This thing is HUGE! Heavy equipment, not just your run of the mill tractor. But let me tell you, that muck was scooped up in record time. Trouble was, my gates were too narrow and the paddock barely large enough to contain it. As he tried turning around, he bumped the new post in my barn addition! Easily could have snapped it in half if it hadn't been for City Boy hollering for him to stop. We had no idea his tractor was so big. We thought in terms of little farm tractors...silly us!
Anyway, today the remainder of the gravel will be in place, the panels set up to divide the paddock into runs, and the horses will have their own bedrooms. Which will mean no more hooves churning up the pasture during the soggy months to come. I sure hope the gravel holds up in the barn and paddock!

I think I have tractor envy!
The website looks great! I didn't see the annoying flashing ad that you mentioned, so that's a good thing. There was a typo in the part about needing a horse trailer. I think... Now I can't remember for sure. But it was on that page. I think it said "you" instead of "your." I love the picture at the top of the front page, and the story about Sunny. Can't wait to read the stories of your other rescues one day! I went to sign the guestbook and for some reason it took me to the one for your Quiet Storm website. Looks good though, and I love the donations page. Made me want to donate! Except I just spent a bunch of money on felted horses for Christmas! :)
LOL, Andrea...those felted horses are a donation in themselves. Hay, I think, will be the first order of business.
Thanks for pointing out the typo in the donation page; I'll fix that a bit later today (gotta go feed right now, and Cheryle's coming to trim today!)
The website is great. Re-read the first sentence in Sunny's Story... I can't remember now, but it was something like - over years of age?
Anyway, it sounded funky.
Great job.
Boy you really were steeped in muck! Glad the neighbor has arrived to help out. How cool is that.
I'd have tractor envy too, What we could do with a rig like that.
Wow, the website looks great too. You're getting it together quickly. Good for you.
You've got a lot going on up there.
Exciting ideas Tracey. I wish you much success. If I remember right, I live semi-close to you. If I can get up there next summer, I will volunteer my video services if you need any video for your website. It is the least I can do. I want you to succeed as much as you do.
Love the blog & pictures....all the best wayne..
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