Monday, May 14, 2007

Ups and Downs

It was a good weekend...sort of.

The saddle was set onto Quiet Storm's back last week, and Saturday I brought a long piece of fabric out, tying it around her middle to simulate a girth. She didn't mind, standing tied while I worked with Sunny a bit before being led around.

Sunny made an huge decision. She let me touch her right side! And not just a brief touch, either. I scratched under her mane, on her withers, and part way down her back. I was on an incredible high.

Yesterday morning, Mother's Day, I began feeling tingling in my arm, pain in my chest and upper back, and feeling just a bit nauseous. It was 4:45 am when I got City Boy up and had him take me to the ER. They found nothing with the EKG, but the results of a stress test this past Thursday looked 'mildly abnormal', they told me, so they wanted to do an angiogram.

The results were good, my arteries are 'beautiful'. lifting or anything else for five days. FIVE days! I'm devestated, of course, because I don't want to lose that time with Sunny. But since there's an incision opening into an artery, I suppose I'm going to have to do as they say. Wouldn't do anyone any good for me to bleed to death after all this, eh?


Rising Rainbow said...

Wow, that off side is a big step. I know even with my home grown horses they can be very protective about that side. Congrats on your break through.

Esther Garvi said...

Hi! Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your site, beautiful pictures! Will be back!

Molly said...

Very good news about your arteries and the forward progress with your pretty mustang. Everyday is lesson day.
Nice to meet you.

photogchic said...

Hi Tracey! I will check in often to see your progress with Quiet Storm. It looks like we are on similar paths with our training. I liked your post about not being a 60 day trainer. My horse was saddle broke when I bought her, but there were so many holes, I went back to square one. Patience is everything with horses.

Andrea -Mustang Saga said...

What an awful time to have something like that happen. Glad you're okay!

Dionna said...

First of all - thank you for visiting my blog. I just loved discovering your blog today. My daughter loves horses - only wish we could find her lessons that don't break the bank! What a beautiful blog (Espcially your blog header picture) - I'll have to stop by again. :)

Unknown said...

I just drop you a line to say I have really enjoyed reading your blog! It seems you are making great progress with Quiet Storm. I can't wait to read more :)

smilnsigh said...

Good grief! What has been going on with you, that I am so far behind on?!?
