Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Stolen Horses
I have 2 chestnut horses missing/stolen (1 BLM).
They were delivered to the trainer (Paul Heape) May 5th in Gridley KS, and I have not seen them since. No I did not owe him money. Neither the horses nor the trainer can be found. The trainer may be wanted in OK and KS.
Pictures are on the web site but I have a couple others of Christmas Fire and a drawing of her freeze mark. I just want my baby back. Please forward this email along.
The description of the horses are as follows:
Christmas Fire (my baby) 8 yr old chestnut mustang mare with freeze mark (99212485) on left side of neck under mane. Thin strip or blaze on face, snip on nose. LF stocking, Right rear pastern. Has been haltered, lead, tied, saddled/bridled but only ridden a couple times and is very hard to catch unless she is in a small area. This mare is a titled BLM mustang from the government. (the man in the photo is NOT the trainer)
Odie ( a recent purchase which is why I have only a couple photo's of him) 15+ old chestnut Quarter horse gelding. 2 hind socks and wide blaze.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sunday, June 24, 2007
What color?
To keep you busy, though, how about you tell me what color Quiet Storm is? Her paperwork lists her as sorrel, but I'm not so sure about that. Others have stated she may be a silver bay. What do you think?

First, a profile shot. Her base color looks sorrel enough, but she's got mottled stockings, a dark muzzle and a rather odd colored mane/tail.

Her mane has dark roots, but that frosted tip isn't just baby or bleached; back near her withers she has new grown that is not as dark as the roots shown here. She also has a dark muzzle which turns black in the winter.
There is a line barely visible down her back. Actually, you can barely see it up near the withers, not at all down her back, but it shows up again here on her butt. Note the tail color, too; silver and gray hairs there at the top.
Another look at the tail coloring, plus a better look at those legs. Darker hair, but not solid. It's mottled, both in front and back. You can see the backs of her front and that the 'stockings' come up well past her knees.
So, all you color gurus...what color is this horse?
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Catching and Bullies
Sunny relaxes in the sunshine

Fortunately, she was just yawning.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Round Pen

It's not pretty, and it's probably not even round, but it's what I'm trying for now. I worked Sunny in it yesterday morning, pushing and pushing until she finally decided to stop and look at me. She doesn't come up close, but she 'follows' in terms of keeping her face towards me when I walk about inside her pen. I was also able to scratch on her and slowly make my way to her face.
The face is the biggest issue. If she weren't so shy about it, I think we'd be miles ahead of where we are right now. But when you've got a horse that's so sensitive that she refuses to eat treats from your hand for fear of touching you, well, things just get hard. So I scratched her back and her hip, yet when my hand worked up to the withers and neck, she began turning from me. Just her face at first, then her front feet.
At that point I stepped back and made her move in a circle again. She almost immediately faced up. Again I approached her and this time she let my hand work up to her ears and down under her jaw, where she's quite itchy. I let my hand run along her halter, and I could tell she wasn't happy about it, but she also didn't pull away. I took the rope off and left her alone.
I made an anti-fungal salve for her, as she's loosing quite a bit of hair up near her forelock. It appears to be working it's way across her forehead, and I spotted a very dandruff laden spot on her chest yesterday as well. I need to treat her, but golly, this doesn't make winning her trust any easier when I'm worse than an eight handed octopus boy on a first date with her!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Sunny's progress

Darling stays even with Sunny's hip, keeping the forward motion going.

Sunny decides to look at Darling, so Darling stops moving

Sunny is relaxed and allows Darling to walk up towards her.
Friday, June 15, 2007
A Different Kind of Horse Power
Monday, June 11, 2007
The halter is off
Gotta love peer pressure

1) Peer pressure. Let her get jealous of what's going on.
2) Keep her moving, don't let her stop until she faces up to me and lets me come up to her. If she turns away, get her going again. Eventually, she'll realize that she only gets to relax if she stands for me.
I'd already been moving her around, but in a large area. So...I tightened up the corral and put her in the small side and round and round we went. It didn't take long for her to stop and say 'alright, already!' and take a few steps towards me. I walked towards her and then away before she had a chance to move away from me. We did it a few more times and eventually I walked up and scratched her. Tighter space = more work = I'll let you walk up to me.
Later in the day she was out with Jet, who's miss socialite. I don't feed from my hands typically, and Jet is oral already, but I wanted to try the peer pressure to see if it worked. The answer is yes, it did! Although Sunny didn't ever take anything from my hand (she's very protective of her muzzle), she desperately wanted to and walked timidly up to see what Jet was getting.
This will most definitely be our routine until she decides to give in.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
More Pics of the Adoption Scene
Hope you enjoy a few more photos from the adoption in Monroe!

Greg works from the top of the trailer to encourage horses to come down the ramp.

'Leroy' was selected by the daughter of a local trainer in Monroe.

Pen of yearling fillies, then mares. Can you see Jet?

A reflective moment
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Somethings different...

Darling and Jet share a moment
This afternoon the dogs decided to dig a hole. They got all busy just outside of Jet's paddock, and Jet had to go check it out. She lowered her head only to find herself the target for dirt and mud clumps being flung by Tait and Rufus. Aside from a couple of flinches, it didn't faze her. She's unbelievably good natured.

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Monday, June 4, 2007
Home from the adoption
I've yet to sort throughy my photographs, so instead of offering you dinner, then dessert, I'm going to jump straight to dessert. You don't mind, do you? I'm sure this will come to you as a huge shock, but I've adopted another mustang. I tried to remain strong, I really did. But I need a nice, easy going horse that's also big enough for City Boy, not to mention myselt, to ride.
Darling wasted no time, no time at all, scouring the herd for suitable mounts. There were several appys there, most in the form of roans. She liked a cute little bay with a snowflake pattern two year old gelding, as well as a couple other bay geldings. They held her favor until Saturday afternoon, when she began to take notice of a couple of the mares. Good thing, too, as City Boy doesn't really like appys that well, and I do believe he said something like "Don't bring home any more than you leave with" before we left. So bringing home something we know he doesn't like isn't going to go over well.
After spending a great deal of time with the mares on Saturday afternoon and into the evening, Darling decided the black was her favorite. The filly had been eating out of her hand at the fence, and I'd even reached in at one point and scratched her neck. Unlike last year, when we were outbid on our first two attempts at getting a horse, this adoption was slow when it came to the fillies and mares, and there was no competition. It seemed we were the only ones who wanted this girl.

Gary gets a halter on our new filly.
We've dubbed her Jet. After a bit of hopping around after loading, she settled down in the trailer and it was smooth ride home. Once out of the trailer here, she settled right into her surroundings, curious about the cat and dogs, and again coming up to Darling while she was sitting in her chair.
So now we've got three mustangs to follow here at the Diaries!