Saturday, March 31, 2007
Sunny's Dilema
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Rain, rain, go away...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sun Storm...aka Sunny

The mud monster proving she's still got it!

Green grass? This tastes good!
Free at last!
Look at her get down close to the ground!
I think she needs to work cows...
That doesn't feel good...
I think before I let her out again, though, I'll recharge the battery for the fence!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Got Mustang Fever?

Darling and Quiet Storm
We worked with Quiet Storm the other day, tossing this old sheet over her back, dragging it from one side to the other and up over her head. She didn't have any issues with it. I suppose I ought to pull out the saddle here before too long and start getting her accustomed to having us lift that on and off from her.
Of course, we're not certain just how old she is. The paperwork lists her as somewhere between 8-12 months at time of capture. We decided to plunk her 'birthday' down in the middle, giving her an unofficial birthday in late April. Too young to really do much in terms of riding yet, but certainly old enough to learn to carry the saddle. And should all go well, perhaps by summer Darling will even be able to mount her and walk around the paddock a bit. Nothing that might stress her young legs, naturally, just enough to give Darling a taste of being on board her own horse, and Quiet Storm a bit of a foundation for next year. (I can't believe I'm already thinking about 2008 when I can't even stop writing 2006 on my checks!)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Can I ask You a Favor?

As for the horses...well, as I mentioned previously, our weather has been very uncooperative here. Aside from general care, there's not much going on. Sunny continues to drag along her lead rope, although there were a couple of days where I got close enough to her head to switch the shorter lead with the long rope she used to drag around. The long one is easier to work her with. This also meant that I was able to shift the snap of her lead back to the center ring on her halter instead of it hanging (and pulling) off to one side.
But I do believe I'll wait for a bit of good weather before doing much more. The paddock just gets too worked up (and muddy.) In the meantime around here I'll probably just continue with a few photos now and then.
If you're up for a bit of daily reading about my life (sometimes amusing, sometimes pathetic) you can always visit my other blog at Today you'll get to read all about my Farm Girl Spa... Ohhhh, such a treat, lol!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Recent Photographs

I love this particular shot of Quiet Storm, but not sure I like what I did with it, lol! She needs ground beneath her, at the very least, but at this point I'm just not that talented. Well, someday...right?

Thanks for stopping in! Hoping the weather in your part of the world is more spring like than mine (unless you're on the other side of the world, where it should be fall!)
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Quiet Storm's Super Day

Friday, March 9, 2007

When my husband lost his job a couple years later, I decided that Sassy was an expense we just couldn't afford, so she was sold. But my experience with her left me knowing that if I ever had the opportunity again, I'd want another mustang.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007
New Stalls
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Quiet Storm is getting fat
Quiet Storm out in the pasture with the sheep.
Sunny, along with Tait and Rocket, sporting her re-attached lead.
p.s. Did I mention it's snowing again here? is. Bleck.