Currently working on the 2012 Mustang Diaries Calendar!
Lots of images from the year, from the Diva of all things Wild, to the Kiger adoption we recently attended, to the South Steens HMA. Once it's complete, I'll get a paypal link set up and let y'all know!

Meanwhile...back on the ranch:

The yearling colt we hauled home for Miss Emily is beginning to come along. He's very reserved, not terribly brave...reminding me a bit of Sandy when he first arrived, but without the biting. Aurilio has decided that treats are a good thing, which allows Emily to get into his space. He'd been very shy about his right side, but she's been able to drop the lead while brushing him and braiding his mane.
The other day I handed her a small, lightweight english pad to rub him with. Up and down the neck, then down the shoulders, over the withers, and onto the back. By the time she was done, he was standing still for her to flip it casually on and off. I think he's going to make a really nice horse for her.

Impulse is also making strides in the domestication department. She's terribly curious about everything I do, especially after watching me ride Steve Holt! the other day. I sat outside with some hay and popped a lead back onto her, but only long enough to get her to move in a few circles and reach out and touch her face a bit. She wasn't too appreciative, but once she was on the loose again, she was back to her curious self.

She decided, in fact, to take a treat from me. Never mind the fact that I'd fed a dozen of them to nearby Max, and it took Impulse five minutes of sniffing the one in my fingers before she worked up the nerve to take it in her lips. She's done that a few times now...sure would be nice if she could reduce that transition time from sniffing to lipping to just a few minutes!
But one cannot complain, really. At least she's comfortable getting up close and personal. So much, that I couldn't get a photo of anything but her neck yesterday!

Cant help but love those Mustang horses.
I think Impulse was an inspired "impulse".
Everything about this post made me smile =)
Emily looks very happy!
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