Your Western States Mustang Challenge Top Ten!
1. Corrine Elser and Dolly
2. Joe Misner and Laredo
3. Matt Sheridan and Luna
4. Oh...you're really not that interested, are you? I didn't think so...
You are? You want to know? Okay. Fourth place was Madylyn Wagner and Handy Hank.
5. Matt Zimmerman and Ali
6. Matt Replogle and Jennifer
7. Beverly Vreeland and Diamond
8. Janet Titus and Chato
9. Jenna Nelson and Domestic Aim
10. Kieth Danielson and Tina Turner
There were so many neat stories, but one of my favorites was how Jennifer got her name. A "Name the Mustang" contest was held in Las Vegas and one little boy wrote in that his sister, Jennifer, was in Iraq and they never knew where she would be, so he wanted the horse to have his sister's name. How sweet was that for Matt to choose that name?
Top selling horse...are you interested? Sit down, y'all, because the only horse to ever bring more money in was Hail Yeah. Are you ready? Sandy Anderson, trainer for Outback Jack, paid a whopping $32,000 to get him back!!!
As for Sandy, despite him not being ridden in the obstacle course, there was still a fair amount of interest in him and he ended up selling for $1,000...which was more than a couple of the top ten horses brought in. God was good to him...and to me...because he's coming home.
Coming home? You mean you bought him? !!!!! :D
That's the way it was meant to be!
HOORAY!!! I knew it! There was no way you could make that long drive home with an empty trailer!!
Congratulations! I wish I could have seen it all... I will have to buy the dvd when it comes out! I will have an entire collections of Mustang Makeover DVD's!
I also wanted to ask if Andy was able to take his mustang, Gracie, home??
YEAH!!!! I'm so glad that it worked out that way Tracey as I think everyone was cheering for you to bring your boy home with you :o)
Cool deal Tracey! I can't wait for a full review of the Challenge and all the pics I'm sure you took.
I think you did an excellent job and anyone who says different only cares about competing not the horse.
Woo Hoo...what better home for your boy than the one you have made for him. Now you can give him a few days off and see what is truly up wiht his leg. PLUS you can still get a chance a working the mechanical bull.
Well done my dear, well done!
YEEEAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! (In case ya cant tell Tracey, that is a HUUUGGGEEEEEEE holler from the Southland for you and Sandy!!!)
DAYUM this is going to make a BANG UP book girl!
Kiss Sandy from us ;)
OK Tracey, fill us in. You were so positive about NOT bringing him home.
Oh Goody! I'm so glad you got to take him home! Yay!!!!
Man, I can't believe I didn't read this blog much before! Bummer. I'm sorry I didn't see you guys in the in-hand work, but it sounds like things worked out the way they were meant to! I'll have to get caught up on your past posts.
This brought a tear to my eye. I'm so glad for Sandy and for you.
I teared up at the end there too -- I was SO nervous reading this post, wondering where Sandy would end up. I'm so excited for you that he's coming home! (And excited for all of us too that we get to keep reading about him, and seeing all those gorgeous photos!)
I am soooo happy for you both!! I have followed your progress with Sandy from the very beginning and I am thrilled that he is going home with you!
cant wait for the whole story!!
Yay! Congratulations Tracey... and to think I joked about that earlier. Can't wait to see his progress on to cattle. ;)
Good on you for not pushing your horse when he was sore. And it's great that you're bringing him home. Sometimes it's about the bond you have with a horse that makes everything worthwhile, and I hope you keep him for a long time, and share his progress with us in blogworld now that the Makeover is over.
Oh goodness, I got teary!
What good news!!!
Keep us posted on what is up with Sandy's leg. Hope he's on the mend soon!!
Great journey with a great ending. Nice job Tracey...so happy you pushed yourself and did this and conquered everything that came your way. So happy you get to take your boy home:-) WOOOO HOOOO!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You and Sandy did GREAT...and I'm so glad you're keeping him!!!!!!!! :)
just curious.... Whats the problem with the number 4 and handy hank? Is there something that the horse or rider did that you didnt like?
just curious.... Whats the problem with the number 4 and handy hank? Is there something that the horse or rider did that you didnt like?
just curious.... Whats the problem with the number 4 and handy hank? Is there something that the horse or rider did that you didnt like?
just curious.... Whats the problem with the number 4 and handy hank? Is there something that the horse or rider did that you didnt like?
Tracey was just teasing us by pausing and not continueing on with the placings for a moment. She announced the top 3 and then acted as if she weren't going to tell us the rest.
She has nothing against Handy Hank!
congratulations. Sandy looks like a really special horse. I'm glad he's keeping you.
Coming home! Fantastic!! =D A happy ending!
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